Recipe for Success

Client: Big Ol Mess

Deliverables: Logo, Identity, Social Media Kit, YouTube channel design

How do you make serious, people who want to make funny? In short, you don’t. Our initial explorations focused on the juxtaposition underpinning today’s ‘cringe’ comedy scene; these creatives work really hard to have the product flirt between intention and accident.

The humor wrapped up in the absurd desire to be polished, guided the designs toward some retro motifs from 1970’s TV programming. Something about the wide-shot camera angle glossing over the sweaty, tweed-suited host with nicotine fingers made us laugh and say ‘no, closeup on the sweat!’.

So we got sweaty. We got funky. We played with colors both garish and gripping until the dripping mess of of an identity was pulled from it’s mold and onto stage. It’s not funny, it’s a mess.


The Audio Den


CalVan Environmental